Home Dental Core strengths – it’s time to embrace change

Core strengths – it’s time to embrace change

by adminjay

Catherine Rutland calls for the profession to embrace the changes of Covid and take charge of the future.

Two years ago I would have said that as a profession, on the whole, we are fairly set in our ways.

Routine and constancy can create safety and sureness in how we provide care and avoid mistakes.

Yet, over the last two years, what we have seen is the necessary change that has been required by the pandemic. Whilst at first it caused much fear and distress for many people, over the months, adaptability became a necessity.

Change had to occur, there was no option, and like much change, fighting it simply makes it harder.

Something that I have learnt to embrace about change over the years is that it gives you opportunity to review areas of your life, both personal and professional, that you may not have done otherwise.

I have seen a lot of this in those around me as we have moved through these strange times. 

So much has occurred that we would never have forecast, with liberties removed and restrictions placed.

Prior to Covid, many of us would probably never have complied with these if someone had suggested them to us, certainly not those affecting our personal lives.

Take a step back

You can normally plan change. Whilst the current situation doesn’t feel like that, we can manage the outcome of further change.

You can execute choices within your own time frames if you allow yourself to step back, review and plan.

Whilst we can’t control everything there is much we can plan for.

I have learnt in more recent years that opening up in a safe environment and talking to others has allowed my planning to improve.

Supportive challenge can really make you reconsider your position or plans. It helps to create some order in your head when things can feel too much to create any direction.

It also gives you a different perspective. Often, hearing a trusted friends views helps you to see yourself and your direction more clearly.

We are the only ones who can take charge of our future. Yes, life will throw curve balls, which will knock us off course at times.

Sometimes it is scary to do and we have to make brave decisions. Yet, think about it, have you ever regretted a brave decision? I suspect not!

Read previous Core Strengths columns

  • The power of peers together.

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