Good oral health can have many wonderful, life-changing benefits. From greater self-confidence to better luck in careers and relationships, a healthy smile can truly transform your visual appearance, the positivity of your mind-set, as well as improving the health of not only your mouth but your body too.
At the Oral Health Foundation, we believe everybody deserves a healthy smile and we are determined to help and support everybody to achieve just that.
Below, are just some of the ways you can look after the health of your smile or improve the oral health of family, friends, colleagues, patients and pupils.
Your oral and dental health
Our library of oral health information provides you with everything you need in order to learn more about your oral health. Our advice is split into the following sections:
We also have all our information translated into nine world languages, including French, Spanish, German, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Hindi, Arabic and Chinese Mandarin.
Take a look at our oral health information library
Dental Helpline
For more than 20 years, our Dental Helpline has provided members of the public with free, expert and impartial advice about their oral health.
You can contact the Dental Helpline by telephone or email and your enquiry is completely confidential. To date, our Dental Helpline advisors have given support and reassurance to more than 350,000 people on a wide-ranging set of issues about oral health, hygiene and treatment.
Visit our Dental Helpline
General FAQs
As a key source of information for tens and thousands of people every year, we have a good understanding about what issues are relevant and important to you.
Our frequently asked questions are a list of common enquiries we have about oral health and is made up of advice and tips about caring for your mouth, guidance on dental procedures, paying for dental treatment and regulations.
Read of most frequently asked questions
Health professionals
Throughout this website, there are lots of ways for a variety of people, who are working in health, to participate in our activities and improve the oral health and wellbeing of local communities.
Here, we have information for dental professionals, wider health professionals and pharmacists about their very specific roles within improving oral health. We also have advice for any of these groups looking to make a difference by stepping outside of their healthcare setting.
Information for health professionals
There may be a number of reasons why family members or patients might require more help to care for the health of their mouth.
Elderly people, those with special needs, physical disabilities and mental illnesses, all face different challenges that mean they might need an extra level of support to achieve a level of wellbeing that we might take for granted.
Advice for carers about oral health of patients and family members
In the workplace
Employers have a duty to ensure they provide a safe and healthy working environment for their staff. The oral health of employees should not be overlooked and could provide an insight into unhealthy cultures developing in a variety of workplaces.
Smoking and alcohol consumption, diet and excessive amount of sugar, are all common occurrences that could have a negative impact on productivity. It is important to know that there are many things you can do to improve the oral health and wellbeing of employees.
Oral health and wellbeing for employers and employees