Oral Science confirms its EMS clients will continue to receive support regarding integration and maintenance directly through EMS going forward. In fact, as of March 8 2024, EMS requires that all dental offices who purchased an AIRFLOW® Prophylaxis Master, AIRFLOW® One or any related products through Oral Science, to contact EMS customer service at +1 (800) 367.0367 or custsvc@ems-na.com for questions or concerns, and email EMS at emsrepairs@ems-na.com for service authorization, repairs maintenance or troubleshooting.
As per EMS’s instructions, Oral Science cannot continue offering service on EMS products purchased through the company. However, Oral Science’s inventory of EMS products will remain available to purchase until complete clearance.
“Four years ago, Oral Science led the industry through our partnership with EMS. Today, we sincerely regret that EMS ended the relationship with us. We understand the irritation you may experience surrounding this situation. Our Dental Hygiene Specialist Team is looking forward to the continued partnership with leading and progressive Canadian dental offices,” commented Daniel Ménard, CEO and co-founder of Oral Science.
For questions or to share concerns regarding these circumstances, please contact Daniel Ménard directly at d.menard@oralscience.com
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