Home Aesthetic Dentistry Bright sparks join round table to talk facial aesthetics for dentists

Bright sparks join round table to talk facial aesthetics for dentists

by adminjay

The 2022 series of Spark Talks for Dentists produced and funded by Allergan Aesthetics goes live in June.

This two-part series to be broadcast on the FMC dentistry platform on 29th June and 6th July (also available on the Allergan Spark Hub) discusses how Dentists can explore a successful career in aesthetics, with guidance from their peers who have achieved just that.

The series focuses around a live round table discussion with four leading facial aestheticians who share their inspirational stories, explaining how they transitioned into facial aesthetics, breaking down potential barriers to moving into the sector, and discussing the challenges of offering facial aesthetic treatments in tandem with dentistry.

Leading the discussion are four UK Dentists: Dr. Alannah Neville, Dr Andrew Kane, Dr Bib Vhadra and Dr Mona Attarpour whose talks dispel any aesthetic myths that could be preventing potential dental professionals from branching out and learning new skills to enhance and benefit their practice and to boost the confidence of those already on their aesthetics journey but who may be feeling unsupported or questioning their next steps. During the discussions, each aesthetician focuses on a specific area of expertise which is then also thoroughly explored and discussed with their peers.

The talks are led by Spark by Allergan Aesthetics, which is a promotional and educational knowledge hub for aspiring dentists (as well as other healthcare professionals) interested in the medical aesthetics industry. The hub is a repository of resources exclusively available to healthcare professionals and is considered an invaluable site for up-and-coming dental practitioners who are transitioning in their facial aesthetics journey, as it offers practical support, training opportunities and inspirational guidance from skilled exponents.

Dr. Alannah Neville commented: ‘I will be explaining why I think dentists are so well suited to performing facial aesthetics, and I would also like to give a few top tips to those who are interested in venturing into this exciting field. My transition from dentistry to medical aesthetics was driven by job satisfaction, which was fuelled by the impact of the treatments I was providing had on people’s lives and their self-confidence’.

She adds: ‘Facial aesthetics is in many ways like dentistry. People actually want to come and see me and they don’t greet me with the classic “no offence, but I hate dentists”. Seeing the look on someone’s face when they look in the mirror for the first time after a treatment is wonderful. It is a treatment that they want rather than need. Patients are also far more likely to pay a little more for someone they trust and who is medically qualified.’

Fellow presenter Dr Andrew Kane adds: ‘There is a strong complementary link between aesthetics and dentistry and the skills that make us good Dentists are transferable to facial aesthetics. The precise manual dexterity required for dentistry means that the precision needed for dermal filler procedures would not actually be an issue.  In addition, we as dentists are used to creating, discussing, managing treatment plans swiftly and concisely while satisfying patient’s needs.’

Dr Bib Vhadra concurs: ‘Your specialised training and the skill set that you’ve developed as dentists puts you in a prime position to be offering aesthetic treatments. Based on your knowledge of the head and neck region, your clinical skills, in-depth knowledge of material science, working within a regulatory framework, standards of compliance, medico legal issues, incredible consulting skills, and excellent commercial awareness.’

Whilst Dr Mona Attarpour concludes: ‘I will be telling you my journey, the good and the bad, I can help you to avoid the bad and show you how to increase your patient footfall and along with it, your profit. It’s not a dirty word. It’s why we are in business, and without it you don’t have a business.’

Dentists who are interested in transitioning into facial aesthetics are invited to view the 2-part series on Wednesday 29th June and 6th July on the Dentistry.co.uk website*.

To access more information about Spark by Allergan Aesthetics please log on and register: https://uk.yourspark.com/s/

*This is an external website for which Allergan Aesthetics is not responsible for the content.

About Spark by Allergan Aesthetics

Spark by Allergan Aesthetics is a promotional and educational website that contains promotional materials available to healthcare professionals only. Allergan supports training of appropriately qualified healthcare professionals. We define this as individuals who hold a recognised and valid Medical Doctor, Dental Surgery or Human Nursing qualification, allowing them to practice independently as a Doctor, Dentist or Nurse in the UK.

To register for this webinar, simply visit www.dentistry.co.uk/webinar.

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