Home Aesthetic Dentistry Offering facial aesthetics during lockdown – Dentistry Online

Offering facial aesthetics during lockdown – Dentistry Online

by adminjay

Nafisa Mughal kickstarts her new column ‘cosmetic corner’ by explaining what clinics can still do whilst in lockdown.

We have seen a massive change in the last two months, not just in the way we work but in our every day lives.

I wanted to share some tips and advice on how you can ensure that you can keep in touch with your patients, and most importantly, have patients to go back to once we are able to work again.

Keep in touch via email

Send out newsletters covering important advice and tips on how patients can look after themselves in lockdown. Things such as official government advice, uplifting images, stories etc work great in newsletters.

You can also add self care and skin care tips in too, so they can make the most of their time at home.

Be sure to remind them you miss them and will be there to offer the in-clinic treatments as soon as we are allowed.

Offer online consultations

Just because we can’t physically see our patients it doesn’t mean we can’t still offer them value.

Offering a free skin consultation is a fantastic way to touch base with your patients, check in and see how they are doing. This shows them you are still there to help. Offering skincare advice is great.

You can also make a treatment plan ready for when you are open again. That will give them (and you) something to look forward to in the coming weeks when we settle back into normality.

When are you open?

Let them know you will be ready when you reopen. Social media is a fabulous way to keep in touch with your patients. You can show them if you are learning new things ready to implement when you reopen. I’m sure you have learnt a lot with the number of webinars going on!

What have you been up to?

Show them what you have been doing. Again social media is a great way to keep in the forefront of your patient’s minds. People love seeing us ‘behind the scenes’. So even if it isn’t directly related to clinical work and you are happy to share, do! It shows how human we all are and that we are all going through the same thing together.

Showcase previous work

Just because we can’t take new pictures, doesn’t mean we can’t show off what we have already done! Don’t be shy to repost a case from a few months ago and caption with how much you’re missing treating patients. Or how much you’re looking forward to treating them and creating masterpieces again!

I hope this list helps you keep on going. The latest advice from Dominic Raab is that ‘personal care services’ such as hair and beauty salons (I’m assuming facial aesthetics also falls into this category although some would argue it falls into construction…) in England will not be able to reopen until 4 July at the earliest!

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