Home Orthodontics Faster biocompatible materials for long-term use

Faster biocompatible materials for long-term use

by adminjay

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Formlabs, the designer and manufacturer of powerful and accessible 3D printing systems, has announced the release of Dental LT Clear, the first long-term biocompatible resin in desktop 3D printing for orthodontic applications for orthodontic devices. Formlabs also released improvements to its Dental SG Resin, reducing print speeds for surgical guides by up to 50%.

The fastest Formlabs material to-date, Dental LT Clear can be used to print splints and retainers in less than 50 minutes for a single unit. Full build platforms, with up to seven splints, can be completed in under two hours.

With the latest PreForm software update, Form 2 3D printer users can also benefit from speed improvements in Formlabs’ Dental SG Resin. Single surgical guide prints will now be 50% faster, while full builds benefit from a 20% speed boost.

In addition to new product releases, Formlabs continues to build on its unabated growth via deepening partnership and distribution deals with 3Shape and Henry Schein, some of the largest players in the dental market.

Interested customers can request a free sample of Formlabs’ Dental LT Clear or Dental SG material at: https://formlabs.com/request-sample-part/.

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Faster biocompatible materials for long-term use.
Br Dent J 223, 739 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.bdj.2017.972

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